
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

FAQ: How Do I Use Software With Graphical Interface?

If your work requires using a software with graphical interface (GUI) *, you must use X11 forwarding over SSH.

To use X11 forwarding:

  • In Windows:
    • Easiest way: use MobaXterm as SSH client (it can load your existing Putty profiles) to connect to the clusters and start your GUI application as usual in an OAR job;
    • Alternative: install and start VcXsrv, then configure Putty (Connection -> SSH -> X11 -> Enable X11 forwarding) before logging in to the clusters.
  • In OS X: install XQuartz then connect to the clusters with X11 forwarding enabled by ssh -X gaia-cluster or ssh -X chaos-cluster.

  • In Linux: Simply use ssh -X gaia-cluster or ssh -X chaos-cluster to connect and start your application normally under an OAR job.

This is the fastest way to get started and the most flexible way to have your GUI application running, but it requires a stable and fast network connection.

[*] Common GUI applications in use on the UL HPC platform: Matlab, RStudio, ParaView, VisIt, Abaqus, SAS, Stata, Allinea DDT/MAP, Nvidia Visual Profiler and others.