
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

This website is deprecated, the old pages are kept online but you should refer in priority to the new web site hpc.uni.lu and the new technical documentation site hpc-docs.uni.lu

The Nyx cluster is our experimental cluster used to:

  • test new hardware
  • test puppet manifests / new cluster tools or operations prior to an application to one of the Chaos or Gaia cluster.

It is composed of the following computing elements:

For instance, we are currently testing cutting-edge high-density computing enclosures based on low-power ARM CortexA9 processors (4C, 1.1GHz). The 2 Boston Viridis enclosures we are experimenting with feature 96 ARM-Cortex A9 processors (thus offering a total of 384 cores). Assuming our tests are successful, these nodes will also be part of the Gaia cluster.