
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

This website is deprecated, the old pages are kept online but you should refer in priority to the new web site hpc.uni.lu and the new technical documentation site hpc-docs.uni.lu

The UL HPC platform uses two schedulers on the different generation clusters currently in production:

Depending on your computing hardware/software environment requirements, you may need to opt for one or the other clusters:

Please note that all new computing equipment is added to the iris cluster.

A transition guide from OAR to SLURM is given below.

OAR to SLURM guide

Basic commands:

Command OAR (Gaia/Chaos clusters) SLURM (Iris cluster)
Submit passive/batch job oarsub -S [script] sbatch [script]
Start interactive job oarsub -I srun -p interactive --qos debug --pty bash -i
Queue status oarstat squeue
User job status oarstat -u [user] squeue -u [user]
Specific job status (detailed) oarstat -f -j [jobid] scontrol show job [jobid]
Delete (running/waiting) job oardel [jobid] scancel [jobid]
Hold job oarhold [jobid] scontrol hold [jobid]
Resume held job oarresume [jobid] scontrol release [jobid]
Node list and properties oarnodes scontrol show nodes

Job specification:

Specification OAR SLURM
Script directive #OAR #SBATCH
Nodes request -l nodes=[count] -N [min[-max]]
Cores request -l core=[count] -n [count]
Cores-per-node request -l nodes=[ncount]/core=[ccount] -N [ncount] --ntasks-per-node=[ccount] -c 1 OR
-N [ncount] --ntasks-per-node=1 -c [ccount]
Walltime request -l [...],walltime=hh:mm:ss -t [min] OR -t [days-hh:mm:ss]
Job array --array [count] --array [specification]
Job name -n [name] -J [name]
Job dependency -a [jobid] -d [specification]
Property request -p "[property]='[value]'" -C [specification]

Environment variables:

Environment variable OAR SLURM
Resource list $OAR_NODEFILE $SLURM_NODELIST #List not file! See note #2
Submitting user name $OAR_USER $SLURM_JOB_USER
Working directory at submission $OAR_WORKING_DIRECTORY $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
  • Note #1: each scheduler provides many more environment variables within a job; the list above shows the ones having equivalent purpose. For a comprehensive list of available variables, check out the manual pages of OAR and SLURM or simply run env | egrep "OAR|SLURM" within a job.
  • Note #2: you can easily create a nodefile in the style of OAR, from a SLURM job with srun hostname | sort -n > hostfile.