
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

This website is deprecated, the old pages are kept online but you should refer in priority to the new web site hpc.uni.lu and the new technical documentation site hpc-docs.uni.lu
The UL HPC platform provides a large variety of scientific applications to its user community. While the following list is not exhaustive, it is meant as indication of the domain-specific codes and general purpose development tools available which enable research and innovation work across a wide set of computational fields.

You can check module avail (in an interactive job) to display existing application/library profiles, and get in touch with the UL HPC Management Team if you or your group require new or updated applications not already available.

Software available on the UL HPC platform

The UL HPC platform offers a modern software environment matching the evolving computing requirements of University of Luxembourg’s researchers and students.

The 2019 software sets have been gradually rolled out since the June 2019 HPC School workshop, and are now available immediately on our flagship Iris supercomputer.

The previous software environments are maintained for legacy purposes, and you will find their listing on the following pages:

With the introduction of the new GPU-AI accelerated compute nodes on Iris, one of our focus points for the 2019 environment has been to enable accelerated applications that can offload computation on the GPU-AI accelerators. In support of this, you will find two new compiler toolchains: toolchain/fosscuda/2019a and toolchain/intelcuda/2019a which include a recent CUDA library as well as the base community (foss) or commercial (intel) tools with the corresponding compilers, math and MPI libraries. The PGI compiler suite is now also part of the software environment and brings support for OpenACC directives enabling easy development for accelerator devices. Several applications and frameworks/libraries are now built against the CUDA-enabled toolchains, and will work (exclusively) on the GPU-AI accelerators.

Many applications and libraries can also be used through the Singularity container system, with the updated Singularity tool providing many new features of which we can especially highlight support for Open Containers Initiative - OCI containers (including Docker OCI), and support for secure containers - building and running encrypted containers with RSA keys and passphrases.