
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

This website is deprecated, the old pages are kept online but you should refer in priority to the new web site hpc.uni.lu and the new technical documentation site hpc-docs.uni.lu

All sessions will take place at the Belval Campus.

Important You are expected to bring your laptop for all sessions since there will be no workstation available on site.

All tutorials proposed as practical sessions will be available on GitHub.
The detailed program is available here.

Agenda - November 25th, 2016

November 25th Session Presenter
09h30-10h30 Keynote: Overview and Challenges of the UL HPC Facility at the Belval Horizon S. Varrette
10h45-12h30 PS1: Getting Started on the UL HPC platform (SSH, data transfer, OAR, modules, monitoring) S. Diehl
12h30-13h45 Lunch  
13h30-15h00 PS2: HPC workflow with sequential jobs H. Cartiaux
15h00-16h00 PS3: Debugging, profiling and performance analysis V. Plugaru
16h00-16h15 Coffee break  
16h15-17h30 PS4: HPC workflow with Parallel/Distributed jobs V. Plugaru
17h30-18h00 Closing Keynote: Take Away Messages S.Varrette

PS = Practical Session using your laptop