
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

HPCS'2014 Article Presenting the UL HPC Platform

In an attempt to promote the management operated on the UL HPC platform, we made an article submitted to IEEE HPCS’2014 which has just been accepted for publication.

Thus if you need to refer to the platform in your paper, kindly cite now to this publication:

   author =       {S. Varrette and P. Bouvry and H. Cartiaux and F. Georgatos},
   title =        {Management of an Academic HPC Cluster: The UL Experience},
   booktitle =    {Proc. of the 2014 Intl. Conf. on High Performance Computing \& Simulation (HPCS 2014)},
   year =         {2014},
   pages =        {959--967},
   month =        {July},
   address =      {Bologna, Italy},
   publisher =    {IEEE},

Note that this official publication is now required to use in your mandatory acknowledgement as indicated in the Acceptable Use Policy, unless of course the publisher restricts the number of citations.

Important This shall not prevent you from performing the necessary actions on the ORBiLU site to associate your publication with the UL HPC platform as indicated on this page.

More information can be found also on the Publications section.