
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

This website is deprecated, the old pages are kept online but you should refer in priority to the new web site hpc.uni.lu and the new technical documentation site hpc-docs.uni.lu

Conditions of acceptance

As soon as you belong to the University of Luxembourg and you accept to conform to the rules of the university, you are eligible for having an HPC account. Yet, you have to provide your explicit agreement to the same rules like all other users and your acceptance has to be granted by the HPC system administrators in an explicit step.

Your HPC account will be valid for the Iris cluster only.
If you want to use Grid’5000 please refer to this page.

Platform policy

The platform is Research and Development infrastructure and it is not a full production computing center (yet). Not all facilities available at other HPC centers may be available at any given moment in time.

Important You are expected to read the Acceptable Use Policy and agree with the following:

  • Users are guaranteed no specific level of service on this cluster. In particular, you are more than advised to maintain your own backup of the data available in your home directory and other directories of the system in which you are authorized to write files.
  • We do everything we can to provide a best effort service to maintain data availability and integrity (redundancy in disks/systems); this is no substitute for backups and you should always maintain redundancy of your data on your own.
  • At present, we cannot make any guarantees of cluster availability or timely job completion. The platform serves batch workloads and allows for reservations on best-effort basis.
  • Do not share your credentials/account (via new SSH keys) with other users.
  • Finally, we do not provide support for programming, nor for the basic system usage, at least not for the moment. You are expected to be familiar with command-line interfaces, Linux systems and maintain your knowledge up to speed as regards emerging HPC technologies. In case of doubt, man and Google are your best friends for answering such questions. We suggest you print and regularly consult information from the following handy, 1-page A4 printable, reference cards:
  • You can raise specific questions/comments/bugs to the UL HPC Team by using the Service Now portal or (less preferably) mail the system administrators. If your request involves an action point for the sysadmins that has to be controlled in its timeline, you MUST use the HPC ticket service.
We try to plan and inform users of cluster maintenance (via a dedicated mailing list, however the cluster may have to be shutdown without prior notice in case of an emergency or unavoidable maintenance intervention.

The HPC team reserves the right to intervene to user activity without notice, when such activity pattern destabilizes the platform and/or is at the expense of other users, or to monitor/verify/debug ongoing system activity.

Account Request Procedure

Account Request Form

After an (hopefully) short period, you shall receive an email to confirm the account creation (depending on the administrator decision). Generally, a Uni.Lu affiliation implies a positive outcome unless other special conditions exist. Positive acceptance implies that the email will contain further information about how to finish the registration procedure and how to connect to the clusters.

if you are not formally affiliated with the University of Luxembourg, your project’s PI (principal investigator) using a uni.lu email address must be cc’d AND explicitly approve the request via email, preferably without delay.


Accessing the HPC Platform