
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

This website is deprecated, the old pages are kept online but you should refer in priority to the new web site hpc.uni.lu and the new technical documentation site hpc-docs.uni.lu
The software that is immediately available on the UL HPC platform addresses a wide range of needs. While the following list is not exhaustive, it is meant as indication of what you can find on the clusters.

You can check module avail (in an interactive job) to display the available software modules, and also ask the UL HPC Management Team about software which may not be directly visible and requires membership to a special group.

Software available on the UL HPC platform

The UL HPC platform offers a modern software environment matching the current computing requirements of University of Luxembourg’s researchers and students.

Since 2017, the UL HPC platform has transitioned to a yearly rotation schedule for the major software sets available for its users. While the major applications and compiler toolchains (used to build most of the software) are thus expected to be stable for 1Y, updates to individual applications and additions are possible at any time by request of the user groups.

The 2018 software sets are being gradually rolled out since June 2018, with initial availability on the flagship Iris cluster and subsequent availability on Gaia and Chaos.

Below you will find a partial list of software available on the Iris cluster, however due to licensing, some applications may not be available on all of the UL HPC production clusters.

The previous software environments are maintained for legacy purposes, and you will find their listing below: