
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

SC-Camp 2019 in Madrid

The 10th edition of International SuperComputing Camp (SC-Camp) was held from the 10th to 14th of June 2019 in Madrid, Spain. The event took place at Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT). During a full week, 24 Master and PhD students in various domain were given courses and presentations around the thematic of High Performance Computing. Each day, the students were given a keynote about a specific topic (Air Quality Modeling, Convergence Big Data, Volunteer Computing), followed by a lecture and a practical session. A contest was proposed the last day to apply all the things learned the previous days. Three problems were given and everybody was able to test his solution on the HPC cluster of University of Luxembourg.

Concerning the content, the main keynotes were given by:

  • Dr Marta García Vivanco (CIEMAT. Air quality modeling Group, Air Pollution Division, Environment Department.)
  • Prof Jesus Carretero (Computer Science and Engineering Department, University Carlos III of Madrid, Madrid, Spain)
  • Prof Harold Castro (Computing and Systems Engineering Department, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia)

The summer school focused on the following topics:

  • Distributed Systems: Grid/Cluster/Cloud/Volunteer Computing
  • Distributed parallel programming with MPI
  • Shared Memory parallel programming with OpenMP
  • Accelerators: GPUs with CUDA, XeonPhi
  • Debugging, Profiling and Performance Optimization
  • Data Analysis with R
  • Resource/Job Management & Scheduling
  • Big Data

To help for the organization and creation of the account, Clément Parisot, member of the UL HPC Team, was present in Madrid. He also gave a lecture on the first day about Slurm Scheduler to teach the basis of scheduling and job submission on HPC. From University of Luxembourg, Dr. Xavier Besseron also came as an instructor and give a lecture about Debugging and Profiling. It was also the occasion to meet 3 PhD students and new users from University of Luxembourg who can now take full advantage of the UL HPC platform for their research.

It was a good opportunity to promote HPC, train students on a real HPC cluster and discover Madrid and his famous tapas and bars at night!