
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

NVidia Joint AI Lab in Luxembourg

Luxembourg’s research community, the Luxembourg Government, and NVIDIA announced today the creation of a joint AI laboratory in Luxembourg. The national AI collaboration, the first with NVIDIA in Europe, is a milestone towards working together to solving society’s most important challenges using artificial intelligence and high-performance computing.

This collaboration follows a memorandum of understanding signed on the 5th of July 2018 between NVIDIA and the Luxembourg Government.

Enabled by the government’s “Digital Luxembourg” initiative, the joint AI laboratory will encourage research in diverse fields. Members of Luxembourg’s research community will be able to work closely with NVIDIA, which employs some of the world’s best computer scientists.

NVIDIA, the University of Luxembourg’s High-Performance Computing Team, its Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), its Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) have initially committed to dedicate a team of six people to work on joint projects.

The AI lab will work in close connection with the global AI research approach of NVIDIA and be supported by a joint advisory board. Each institution will gain better access to cutting-edge NVIDIA hardware and software, for use in tackling their most difficult research problems.


Update (March 2019): At the level of the University of Luxembourg, Dr. Frederic Pinel will coordinate these efforts in the new NVidia joint AI lab of Luxembourg with Digital Luxembourg, SnT, LCSB and LIST, while providing advanced HPC/research support on GPU/AI workflows.

Dr. Frederic Pinel

Dr. Frederic Pinel
Research scientist, coordinator NVidia Joint AI lab
Office: MNO, E04 0445-070
Maison du Nombre
6, Avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette
+352 46 66 44 5337
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