
HPC @ Uni.lu

High Performance Computing in Luxembourg

UL HPC Newsletter - Issue #1

As part of the UL HPC quality plan, we are proud to announce the first release of our newsletter. The objective is to keep you informed of the latest advances and news as regards the UL HPC platform.

In this edition we:

  • review 2014 activities and achievements;
  • outline the HPC platform upgrade plans for the coming weeks and months, whether in terms of storage (GPFS, Isilon, GlusterFS), computing (introducing new systems from SGI, Delta and HP) or services such as the new Galaxy portal or the RESIF framework able to facilitate the management of the software built on top of the platform and available as Environment modules.

Finally, the 2015 editions of the UL HPC school will be detailed. We hope that the newsletter is informative and interesting for you, and we welcome your comments and questions by mail, on Twitter or GitHub.

Download: ULHPC Newsletter Issue #1